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Women in Music: Home

Women in Music

This guide is designed to help you find information relating to women musicians and composers. Use this as a starting point, or browsing tool. As always, consult the catalog for complete holdings information, and when uncertain, ask at the Reference Desk!

New Grove article

Recommend a Purchase

You can recommend purchases of music education-related material. Please notify Music Librarian Jon Sauceda with recommended titles.

Sibley Music Library


Miller Center, 27 Gibbs St. (across the street from Eastman School of Music) 2nd – 4th floors

Phone (Library Office): 585-274-1350
Phone (Reference): 585-274-1320
Phone (Special Collections): 585-274-1335
Phone (Circulation Desk): 585-274-1300
Fax: 585-274-1380

Hours During School Terms

Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Call number and Subject Heading browsing

Below are general call number ranges for books. Cataloging of printed music ignores the composer’s sex. For specific call numbers, consult the Library of Congress Classification Schedule in the yellow book at the Reference Desk, and/or the catalog.

ML82                       Women as musicians, women in the performing arts

ML128.W7               Women in music bibliography

ML156.4.W6            Women composers and musicians discography


Suggested Subject Headings

Below are examples of some useful subject headings for use in the catalog.

Music by Women composers

Women in Music: Works on the portrayal of women in music

Women in Music Bibliography

Women in Music Congresses

Women in Music Italy

Women in opera: Work on the portrayal of women in opera

Women in opera congresses

Women musicians (and its various subcategories of nations e.g. Women musicians Austria, etc)

African-American women musicians

Women composers

Women conductors

Women singers

Women rock musicians

Women blues musicians

Women jazz musicians

Women jazz singers

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Jim Farrington
27 Gibbs St.
Rochester, NY 14618