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Organ: Home


This guide is designed to help you find information about, and music for, the organ. Use this as a starting point, or browsing tool. As always, consult our catalog for complete holdings information, and when uncertain, ask at the Reference Desk!


Follower of Benson: St. Cecilia (ca. 1550)

Recommend a purchase

You can recommend purchases of organ-related scores, audio/video recordings, or books. Please notify Music Librarian Jon Sauceda with recommended titles.

Sibley Music Library


Miller Center, 27 Gibbs St. (across the street from Eastman School of Music) 2nd – 4th floors

Phone (Library Office): 585-274-1350
Phone (Reference): 585-274-1320
Phone (Special Collections): 585-274-1335
Phone (Circulation Desk): 585-274-1300
Fax: 585-274-1380

Hours During School Terms

Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Call numbers for browsing

M6–M14  Organ alone:
     M6      Collections, mixed (original works and arrangements; more than one composer)
     M7      General collections (one composer)
     M8      Sonatas
     M8.5      Symphonies
     M9      Suites, Variations, and Cyclical Works
     M10      Fugues (with or without preludes)
     M11      Pieces
     M11.2      Pedal pieces
     M12      Arrangements: collections
     M13      Arrangements: separate works
     M14      Books (accompaniments to collections of psalms and hymns)
     M14.3-.5      Liturgical music (special seasons and occasions)
     M14.8      Electronic Organ music
 M180-186  Duets
 M180-181  One or more organs, two or more players
 M182-186  Organ and one other instrument
 M300–M304  Trios, organ and two other instruments
 M400–M404  Quartets, organ and three other instruments


Concertos and similar pieces

 M1005  Organ with orchestra, full scores
 M1005.5  Cadenzas for such works
 M1006  Organ with orchestra, piano reductions
 M1108  Organ with string orchestra, full scores
 M1108.5  Cadenzas for such works
 M1109  Organ with string orchestra, piano reductions


Studies and methods

 MT180  General works
 MT182  Systems and methods; Studies and exercises
 MT185  General works: special techniques
 MT187  Special techniques: pedal
 MT189  Special techniques: registration
 MT190  Special techniques: accompaniment of liturgical music
 MT193  Teaching pieces; Instructive editions
 MT198  Self-instructors


Classification Numbers for Books about the Organ

 ML128 .O6  Organ bibliographies
 ML550  General works

 Construction: general works; by time period; by region or country


 Music and playing: general works; by time period; by region or country

Further Resources

To locate repertoire by Black musicians, please see the Library Guide Music From People Of the African Diaspora. 

To locate repertoire by women musicians, please see the Library Guide Women In Music.

Harvard Dictionary of Music entry

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I'm usually around during these office hours: 

Day Time
Monday 3:00pm - 4:00am
Wednesday 3:00pm - 4:00 pm 

You can leave a voicemail at: 585-274-1313

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Jim Farrington
27 Gibbs St.
Rochester, NY 14618