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Opera: Home

About this guide

This guide is designed to help you find information about, and music for, opera. Use this as a starting point, or browsing tool. As always, consult our catalog for complete holdings information, and when uncertain, ask at the Reference Desk!


Geraud, Le Bal Masqué de l’Opéra , undated (19th cent.)

New Grove article

Recommend a Purchase

You can recommend purchases of opera-related scores, audio/video recordings, or books. Please notify Music Librarian Jon Sauceda with recommended titles.

Sibley Music Library


Miller Center, 27 Gibbs St. (across the street from Eastman School of Music) 2nd – 4th floors

Phone (Library Office): 585-274-1350
Phone (Reference): 585-274-1320
Phone (Special Collections): 585-274-1335
Phone (Circulation Desk): 585-274-1300
Fax: 585-274-1380

Hours During School Terms

Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday 10:00 a.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Sunday 1:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.

Call number browsing

  Scores Pertaining to Opera
M1500 Full scores
M1501 Concert arrangements
M1502 Vocal scores or choral scores without accompaniment
M1503 Vocal scores with keyboard accompaniment- General
M1503.5 Vocal scores with keyboard accompaniment-Concert arrangements
M1505 Excerpts-Original accompaniment
M1506 Excerpts-Arranged accompaniment
M1507 Excerpts-Keyboard accompaniment-Collections
M1508 Operas-Excerpts-Keyboard accompaniment-Separate works (by title)
M1508.1 Vocal and chorus scores without accompaniment-Collections
M1508.2 Vocal and chorus scores without accompaniment-Separate worls
M1509 Operatic scenes (independent works not detached from larger works)


Books about Opera

ML40 Opera programs

Librettos (texts, scenarios) - Miscellaneous collections

ML48 Librettos- Collections- 2 or more composers or authors
ML49 Librettos- Collections- 1 composer or author
ML50 Librettos-Separate works (non-US imprints 1801- ; US imprints 1851- )
ML50.2 Librettos-Separate works (non-US imprints  through 1800)
ML50.6 Librettos-Separate works (US imprints  through 1850)
ML50.7 Ballad operas (by title)
ML50.9 Parodies
ML57.65 Film operas-Collections
ML52.7 Film operas- Separate works
ML52.75 Radio operas-Collections
ML52.75 Radio operas-Separate works
ML102.O6 Encyclopedias and dictionaries
ML128.O4 Bibliographies
ML156.4.O6 Discographies
ML158.6.O6 Video catalogues
ML1700-1800 History and criticism- Serious opera
ML1850 History and criticism- Comic opera
ML1900 History and criticism- Operetta
ML2054 History and criticism- Musicals and revues
ML3918.O64 Political and social aspects
ML3858 Philosophical and societal aspects


Instructional Books about Opera

MT64.O6 Instruction and study
MT95 Analysis and appreciation- 2 or more composers (includes stories and plots)
MT100.A-Z One composer (1 composer, from A to Z)


Eastman and Local Voice/Opera Resources

Further Resources

To locate repertoire by Black musicians, please see the Library Guide Music From People Of the African Diaspora. 

To locate repertoire by women musicians, please see the Library Guide Women In Music.

Harvard Dictionary of Music entry

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Rick McRae
he, his, him
Sibley Music Library
27 Gibbs St.
(585) 274-1370

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Jim Farrington
27 Gibbs St.
Rochester, NY 14618