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Library of Congress Music Classification System: MT - Musical instruction (scores and books)

Sibley Music Library's score and book collections are organized according to the Library of Congress Music Classification System.

MT scheme

The MT scheme is for musical instruction. It includes both books and scores.

For literature on music, see the ML tab.

In Sibley, the MT items, with the exception of the folios (see below) are all on the south stacks of the 4th floor, following the M3 section.

The table below will explain the classification ranges.

Number Location
MT3 History of music education
MT5-5.7 Music theory
MT17 Music in special education
MT35 Notation, dictation, ear training, etc.
MT40-67 Composition
MT90-146 Analytical guides
MT170-810 Instrumental techniques (including method books, studies, and orchestral excerpts)
MT820-949 Voice instruction

.MT FOLIOS (OVERSIZE) --ON 3rd FLOOR, row of stacks by south stairway (Gibbs St. side)