The Search & Navigation Bar contains the main search box, where you can add keywords, and other links to additional functionality, such as an Advanced Search option. Check below for detailed explanations.
a - Links to Home and Course Reserves:
b - Main search box:
c - Links to additional pages and forms:
d - Access your temporary Saved Items Folder, Chat with a Librarian or access additional Menu Items:
Notes: The use of wildcards within a phrase search is not supported
Mulltiple search results can be saved to Articles, Books & More's Saved Items temporary folder, where citations can be viewed, emailed, printed, and exported during a user's search session.
Start by clicking the Add to Saved Items icon to the right of a citation:
The Saved Items folder to the right of the Articles, Books & More search box now displays a '1' to indicate the item has been added (note that 50 items is the maximum number that can be held in the temporary folder at any given time). Any items in your Saved Items will have a red folder icon.