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Searching Articles, Books, & More: Altmetric Score

This guide gives you basic information about how Summon works to find things owned by University of Rochester Libraries

What is Altmetric?

The UR Libraries have access to Altmetric data for some items in Summon. Altmetric gathers data about online attention to scholarly articles and displays the data in search results. References to an article from Twitter, Facebook, blogs, news media, policy documents and more, are identified by Altmetric "donuts" and pop-ups. Altmetrics is primarily used in the Sciences, and only occasionally will you find anything in the humanities.


Click the Altmetric donut or pop-up to see details about the references, including links to the most recent ones.

Altmetric Details Page

For each type of referring source (news, blogs, etc.) you will see the most-recent four references, with links to their original contexts. Earlier references are counted in the data, but not shown.

Altmetric Score

Altmetric weighted score

For more details about Altmetric's weighting system, please see their Attention Score webpage.

Altmetric Bookmarklet

To see Altmetric data outside of Summon, a free Altmetric bookmarklet is available as a plug-in for Chrome, Firefox and Safari browsers. When viewing information about a scholarly article in PubMed, ArXiv, or on a webpage containing the article's DOI, click the bookmarklet to see if any Altmetric data is available.


If you have a problem using the bookmarklet that is not addressed on the installation page, Alltmetric also maintains a Bookmarklet FAQ.