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DiscoverUR (Sibley Music Library): Item Records

Search tips for using UR's discovery interface, DiscoverUR

Item Record Features

If the item you are trying to access using DiscoverUR is included in the Library Catalog, you will be directed to an Item Record page with a full description of the resource and further access options. Check below for more details.





1 - Save and export an item record: Email the record, get a permanent link, scan the record to a smart phone using a QR code, print or export to a Reference Manager system.

2 - Get access to an item, including Request and Interlibrary Loan (ILL).

  • Login to My Account to see all the available options. You will need your Active Directory's username and password. Learn more on the My Account tab.
  • For physical items, see Location, Call Number and Availability.
  • For online items, see Availability options (date range and online provider).


3 - See detailed information about an item:

  • Click on the active links to do a new Author or locate items with the same subject heading.

4 - Explore our virtual shelf to find items in close proximity to this one:

  • Click on the items to see their records.